Meaning & Definition of word "Immaterial"
- 1. Not relevant or pertinent to a particular matter; not important.
- Example: The judge ruled that the witness's previous remarks were immaterial to the case.
- 2. Lacking physical substance; incorporeal.
- Example: In the realm of pure philosophy, some argue that the mind is immaterial to the physical world.
- 3. Of no substantial consequence; not essential.
- Example: The committee concluded that the proposed changes were immaterial to the overall project.
From Latin 'immaterialis', from 'in-' meaning 'not' + 'materialis' meaning 'material'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
immaterial evidence:
Evidence that is not relevant or significant to the case at hand.
immaterial to the discussion:
Referring to information that does not contribute to or affect the discussion.
immaterial facts:
Facts that do not have an impact on the outcome of a situation.
Related Words
Having physical substance; tangible.
Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
Not relating to or having a physical form.
Slang Meanings of immaterial
Meaning: Of no importance or significance in a casual context.
Example Sentence: All those complaints about the setup were immaterial; we won the game!
Meaning: Something that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Example Sentence: Getting upset over that minor mistake is just immaterial.