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Translation meaning & definition of the word "household" into Swedish language

Versättning betydelse & definition av ordet "hushåll" till svenska språket





1. A social unit living together

  • "He moved his family to virginia"
  • "It was a good christian household"
  • "I waited until the whole house was asleep"
  • "The teacher asked how many people made up his home"
  • family
  • ,
  • household
  • ,
  • house
  • ,
  • home
  • ,
  • menage

1. En social enhet som lever tillsammans

  • "Han flyttade sin familj till virginia"
  • "Det var ett gott kristet hushåll"
  • "Jag väntade tills hela huset sov"
  • "Läraren frågade hur många som utgjorde hans hem"
  • familj
  • ,
  • hushåll
  • ,
  • hus
  • ,
  • hem
  • ,
  • menage

Examples of using

I'd love to be able to spend less time doing household chores.
Jag skulle gärna kunna lägga mindre tid på hushållssysslor.
How many people are there in this household?
Hur många finns det i detta hushåll?