Tom gently kissed his daughter on the forehead.
Tom kysste försiktigt sin dotter i pannan.
My daughter often had asthma attacks when she was a child.
Min dotter fick ofta astmaanfall när hon var barn.
As a child, my daughter had frequent asthma attacks.
Som barn hade min dotter ofta astmaanfall.
My daughter frequently experienced asthma attacks as a child.
Min dotter upplevde ofta astmaanfall som barn.
I am not your daughter.
Jag är inte din dotter.
I'll have to talk to my daughter about things heart-to-heart.
Jag måste prata med min dotter om saker från hjärta till hjärta.
My daughter, as a child, often suffered from asthma attacks.
Min dotter, som barn, led ofta av astmaanfall.
In the old days, when man was innocent, God sent his daughter to see the Earth.
Förr i tiden, när människan var oskyldig, sände Gud sin dotter för att se jorden.
I'm writing a letter to my daughter.
Jag skriver ett brev till min dotter.
Tom fell in love with the captain's daughter.
Tom blev kär i kaptenens dotter.
I'm not your daughter.
Jag är inte din dotter.
Tom's daughter is growing up rapidly.
Toms dotter växer upp snabbt.
Are you Tom's daughter?
R du Toms dotter?
My daughter is often sick.
Min dotter är ofta sjuk.
What did Tom call his daughter?
Vad kallade Tom sin dotter?
Why didn't you tell me that Tom had a daughter?
Varför berättade du inte att Tom hade en dotter?
I saw Tom's daughter last week.
Jag såg Toms dotter förra veckan.
Tom has a grown daughter.
Tom har en vuxen dotter.
I just want to see my daughter.
Jag vill bara träffa min dotter.
Last month our 100-year-old daughter gave birth to a girl.
Förra månaden födde vår 100-åriga dotter en flicka.
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