Tom whispered something to Mary and then left the room.
Tom le susurró algo a Mary y luego salió de la habitación.
Tom whispered something into Mary's ear.
Tom le susurró algo al oído a Mary.
Tom whispered something into Mary's ear and she smiled.
Tom le susurró algo al oído a Mary y ella sonrió.
Tom whispered something in Mary's ear and she nodded.
Tom le susurró algo al oído a Mary y ella asintió.
He whispered to him: " I love you ".
Le susurró: "Te amo".
Upon seeing the snake under my feet, José whispered, "Don't move."
Al ver la serpiente bajo mis pies, José susurró: "No te muevas".
Tom whispered his darkest secret to Mary.
Tom le susurró su secreto más oscuro a Mary.
Tom whispered something to Mary.
Tom le susurró algo a Mary.
Before exiting through the door, the man had whispered a word which no one managed to understand.
Antes de salir por la puerta, el hombre había susurrado una palabra que nadie logró entender.
"There's a shark in the water" she whispered.
"Hay un tiburón en el agua", susurró.
She whispered something to him.
Ella le susurró algo.
She whispered to me that she was hungry.
Ella me susurró que tenía hambre.
She whispered it in my ear.
Ella me lo susurró al oído.
He whispered something to her.
Él le susurró algo.
"Don't disturb her. She is at work right now" he whispered.
„Nu o perturbați. Ella está en el trabajo ahora mismo", susurró.
"Shut up," he whispered.
"Cállate", susurró.
One of his colleagues whispered.
Susurró uno de sus compañeros.
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