People have a tendency to underestimate their future needs.
La gente tiende a subestimar sus necesidades futuras.
Don't underestimate Tom.
No subestimes a Tom.
A mistake young people often make is to start learning too many languages at the same time, as they underestimate the difficulties and overestimate their own ability to learn them.
Un error que suelen cometer los jóvenes es empezar a aprender demasiados idiomas al mismo tiempo, ya que subestiman las dificultades y sobreestiman su propia capacidad para aprenderlas.
Don't underestimate his determination.
No subestimes su determinación.
Don't underestimate the problem.
No subestimes el problema.
Don't underestimate him. Believe me, he'll make good on his threat.
No lo subestimes. Créame, cumplirá su amenaza.
Don't underestimate it.
No lo subestimes.
You shouldn't underestimate a good colleague.
No se debe subestimar a un buen colega.
Tom should be careful not to underestimate Mary.
Tom debe tener cuidado de no subestimar a Mary.
The American anthropologist Margaret Mead once said that one should never underestimate what a small group of dedicated people can accomplish.
La antropóloga estadounidense Margaret Mead dijo una vez que nunca se debe subestimar lo que un pequeño grupo de personas dedicadas puede lograr.