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Translation meaning & definition of the word "repeatedly" into Spanish language

Traducción significado y definición de la palabra "repetida" al idioma español





1. Several time

  • "It must be washed repeatedly"
  • repeatedly

1. Varias veces

  • "Debe lavarse repetidamente"
  • repetidamente

Examples of using

The victim was stabbed repeatedly by the killer.
El asesino apuñaló repetidas veces a la víctima.
Soon Christopher Columbus got bored watching the noob toy getting repeatedly self-pwned; he then decided to make a fortune-teller advise him on what to do with such a pointless toy.
Cristóbal Colón se cansó pronto de ver al muñeco-novato machacándose a sí mismo una y otra vez; entonces decidió hacer que un adivino le aconsejase qué hacer con un juguete tan inútil.
Christopher Columbus was notorious for repeatedly snoozing his alarm clock by hitting it with his fist. Unfortunately, his "alarm clock" was usually his first mate.
Cristóbal Colón era conocido por silenciar a su despertador repetidamente golpeándolo con su puño. Desafortunadamente, su "despertador" era normalmente su primer oficial.