

Meaning & Definition

to defer an event or action to a later time.
She procrastinated on her errands until she had no time left in the day.
to be slow or late in doing something.
He tends to procrastinate when faced with difficult decisions.
to delay or postpone action; to put off doing something.
Many students tend to procrastinate when it comes to writing their term papers.


From Latin 'procrastinare', from 'pro-' (forward) + 'crastinus' (of tomorrow)

Common Phrases and Expressions

put off until tomorrow:
to delay something that could be done today
kick the can down the road:
to postpone a decision or action
drag one's feet:
to be deliberately slow in doing something

Related Words

Slang Meanings

putting it off
I keep putting it off until I run out of time.
hitting snooze on life
He's always hitting snooze on life instead of taking action.