There isn't anything that anybody can do to avoid the inevitable.
No hay nada que nadie pueda hacer para evitar lo inevitable.
There will be inevitable consequences.
Habrá consecuencias inevitables.
Tom accepted the inevitable.
Tom aceptó lo inevitable.
As people are still generally insufficiently educated, wars are still inevitable.
Como la gente todavía no tiene suficiente educación, las guerras siguen siendo inevitables.
It's inevitable.
Es inevitable.
The downfall is inevitable.
La caída es inevitable.
The fall of the empire was inevitable.
La caída del imperio era inevitable.
The coming of chaos is inevitable.
La llegada del caos es inevitable.
It was inevitable for us to lose.
Era inevitable que perdiéramos.
I didn't sleep much yesterday, so it was inevitable that I was sleepy all day today.
Ayer no dormí mucho, por lo que era inevitable que hoy tuviera sueño todo el día.
Their meeting was inevitable.
Su encuentro fue inevitable.
The war is not inevitable.
La guerra no es inevitable.
It is inevitable that some changes will take place.
Es inevitable que se produzcan algunos cambios.
To many, change seems inevitable.
Para muchos, el cambio parece inevitable.
War is not inevitable.
La guerra no es inevitable.
As a matter of fact, bankruptcy is inevitable.
De hecho, la quiebra es inevitable.
Accidents are inevitable.
Los accidentes son inevitables.
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