Give us a hand.
Danos una mano.
Tom had a knife his hand.
Tom tenía un cuchillo en la mano.
Tom has a pen in his hand.
Tom tiene un bolígrafo en la mano.
He took her hand and sat down beside her.
Él tomó su mano y se sentó a su lado.
He ran a hand through her hair.
Le pasó una mano por el pelo.
He ran a hand through his hair.
Se pasó una mano por el pelo.
It started as a joke that got out of hand.
Comenzó como una broma que se salió de control.
Maria has a cut on the palm of her hand. They say she got it peeling potatos, but I don't buy that.
María tiene un corte en la palma de su mano. Dicen que lo consiguió pelando patatas, pero yo no lo compro.
I can do that with one hand tied behind my back.
Puedo hacerlo con una mano atada a la espalda.
I can do it with one hand.
Puedo hacerlo con una mano.
I can't use my left hand because of my cast.
No puedo usar mi mano izquierda debido a mi yeso.
If you want to speak, raise your hand.
Si quieres hablar, levanta la mano.
Use anything you have at hand.
Usa todo lo que tengas a mano.
Would you hand me the suitcase, please?
¿Podrías entregarme la maleta, por favor?
We have to see how much cash we have on hand.
Tenemos que ver cuánto efectivo tenemos a mano.
He went out with a bundle of clothes in his hand.
Salió con un manojo de ropa en la mano.
He gripped my hand.
Me agarró la mano.
The letter was written by hand.
La carta fue escrita a mano.
He made a gesture with his hand.
Hizo un gesto con la mano.
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