

Meaning & Definition

A movement of the body or part of the body, especially the hands or head, that expresses an idea or feeling.
She made a gesture of peace by holding her hands up.
An action performed to convey a feeling or intention, often without the use of words.
His smile was a friendly gesture that made everyone feel welcome.
A sign or expression of goodwill or friendliness.
Bringing flowers to the meeting was a kind gesture on her part.
To express or signify by a gesture.
He gestured towards the door to let her know she could leave.
To make a gesture, especially as a form of communication.
She gestured for him to come closer so they could talk.


From Old French 'gesturer', from Latin 'gestus', which means 'to carry, bear, or conduct'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

gesture of goodwill:
An action intended to show kindness or friendliness.
make a gesture:
To perform an action to communicate a feeling or intention.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Throwing a gesture
He threw a gesture to show he was done with the conversation.
Gesture towards something
She gestured towards the door, signaling it was time to leave.