They furnished the house very luxuriously.
Amueblaron la casa de manera muy lujosa.
How have you furnished your apartment?
¿Cómo has amueblado tu apartamento?
In the end, "feminity" is something that a woman is naturally furnished with, there is no need to make any effort to show it, and it's a quality such that even if one were to make conscious efforts to hide it, it would lead to nothing.
Al final, la "feminidad" es algo con lo que una mujer está amueblada naturalmente, no hay necesidad de hacer ningún esfuerzo para demostrarla, y es una cualidad tal que incluso si uno hiciera esfuerzos conscientes para ocultarla, conduciría a nada.
The room is fully furnished.
La habitación está completamente amueblada.
She furnished the room with beautiful furniture.
Ella amuebló la habitación con hermosos muebles.
They furnished the library with many books.
Proporcionaron a la biblioteca muchos libros.
This room is well furnished.
Esta habitación está bien amueblada.
The room is furnished with two beds.
La habitación está amueblada con dos camas.
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