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Translation meaning & definition of the word "changeable" into Spanish language

Significado de traducción y definición de la palabra "cambiable" al idioma español





1. Capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature

  • "A mutable substance"
  • "The mutable ways of fortune"
  • "Mutable weather patterns"
  • "A mutable foreign policy"
  • mutable
  • ,
  • changeable

1. Capaz o tendiente a cambiar de forma, calidad o naturaleza

  • "Una sustancia mutable"
  • "Las formas mutables de fortuna"
  • "Patrones climáticos mutables"
  • "Una política exterior mutable"
  • mutable
  • ,
  • cambiable

2. Such that alteration is possible

  • Having a marked tendency to change
  • "Changeable behavior"
  • "Changeable moods"
  • "Changeable prices"
  • changeable
  • ,
  • changeful

2. De modo que la alteración sea posible

  • Tener una marcada tendencia al cambio
  • "„comportament schimbabil"
  • "Estados de ánimo cambiantes"
  • "„prețuri schimbabile"
  • cambiable
  • ,
  • cambiante

3. Subject to change

  • "A changeable climate"
  • "The weather is uncertain"
  • "Unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other"
  • changeable
  • ,
  • uncertain
  • ,
  • unsettled

3. Sujeto a cambios

  • "Un clima cambiante"
  • "El tiempo es incierto"
  • "Clima inestable con lluvia, granizo y sol uno tras otro"
  • cambiable
  • ,
  • incierto
  • ,
  • inestable

4. Varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles

  • "Changeable taffeta"
  • "Chatoyant (or shot) silk"
  • "A dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent"
  • changeable
  • ,
  • chatoyant
  • ,
  • iridescent
  • ,
  • shot

4. De color variable cuando se ve con diferentes luces o desde diferentes ángulos

  • "„tafet schimbabil"
  • "Seda chatoyant (o disparada)"
  • "Una libélula flotaba, vibratoria e iridiscente"
  • cambiable
  • ,
  • chatoyant
  • ,
  • iridiscente
  • ,
  • disparo

Examples of using

The accident was caused chiefly by the changeable weather.
El accidente fue causado principalmente por el clima variable.