

Meaning & Definition

Luggage or bags that a traveler takes with them on a journey.
We checked our baggage at the airport before heading to the gate.
A burden or load, often in a metaphorical sense, referring to emotional or psychological issues.
He carried a lot of emotional baggage from his childhood.
Unnecessary or unwanted items that clutter one’s life or thoughts.
She tried to let go of the mental baggage that was holding her back.


Middle English baggagge, from the word 'bag'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

emotional baggage
The unresolved issues and emotions from past experiences.
baggage claim
The area in an airport where travelers retrieve their checked luggage.
carry baggage
To bear or carry the weight of past experiences.

Related Words

The suitcases and bags used for carrying clothes and personal belongings.
A heavy load, either physically or emotionally.
A large case used for carrying clothes and personal items.

Slang Meanings

Extra emotional issues.
He's got a lot of baggage from his childhood.
Unwanted complications in a relationship.
I can't deal with the baggage she's bringing into this new relationship.