We were hurrying in order to make up for the wasted time.
Ne grăbeam ca să recuperăm timpul pierdut.
We were wasted.
Am fost irosiţi.
I think we've wasted enough of our time.
Cred că ne-am pierdut destul timp.
I think we've already wasted too much time.
Cred că deja am pierdut prea mult timp.
A lot of time was wasted.
S-a pierdut mult timp.
You can't get back the wasted time.
Nu poţi recupera timpul pierdut.
McClellan wasted no time.
McClellan nu a pierdut timpul.
It is difficult to make up for wasted time.
Este dificil să recuperezi timpul pierdut.
We wasted a lot of time.
Am pierdut mult timp.
When I look back on my life, I realize how much time I wasted.
Când mă uit înapoi la viaţa mea, îmi dau seama cât timp am pierdut.
He regrets having wasted his time.
Regretă că și-a pierdut timpul.
I regret that I wasted the money.
Regret că am irosit banii.
Love is never wasted.
Dragostea nu se irosește niciodată.
We were wasted.
Am fost irosiţi.
I think we've already wasted too much time.
Cred că deja am pierdut prea mult timp.
I think we've already wasted too much time.
Cred că deja am pierdut prea mult timp.
I think we've already wasted too much time.
Cred că deja am pierdut prea mult timp.
I regret that I wasted the money.
Regret că am irosit banii.
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