Meaning & Definition
a period of waiting
The wait for the concert tickets was worth it.
the act of waiting
The wait for the doctor was unusually long today.
to remain in a place or delay action until a specified time or event occurs
We had to wait for the bus to arrive.
to stay in place in expectation of something
She decided to wait for her friend before entering the restaurant.
to delay action until a later time
I think we should wait until we have more information before making a decision.
Middle English 'waiten', from Old French 'waiter', from Latin 'vigilare' meaning 'to be awake'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
wait and see:
to be patient and observe before making a decision
wait up:
to stay awake for someone who is coming home
wait in line:
to stand or remain in a queue
wait on someone:
to serve someone or attend to their needs
waiting game:
a situation where one must be patient, awaiting an outcome
Slang Meanings
hold on
Just wait for me a sec; I'll be right there.
hang tight
Hang tight! We're almost done with the presentation.
chill for a bit
Chill for a bit while I finish up this project.