Are you feeling tired?
Te simți obosit?
I'm sick and tired of kids who think they're tough by bullying other kids around in the playground, and who then act all innocent when they're with their parents.
M-am săturat de copiii care cred că sunt duri, hărțuind alți copii pe terenul de joacă și care apoi se comportă nevinovați când sunt cu părinții lor.
I was tired, so I went to bed early.
Eram obosită, aşa că m-am culcat devreme.
I went to bed early because I was tired.
M-am culcat devreme pentru că eram obosită.
I got tired from all the running around.
M-am săturat de la toată alergarea.
Tom was tired and fell into a heavy sleep.
Tom era obosit și a căzut într-un somn greu.
I'm tired of work, I want to have lunch.
M-am săturat de muncă, vreau să luăm prânzul.
If you're tired, go to sleep!
Dacă ești obosit, du-te la culcare!
The children are already tired.
Copii sunt deja obosiţi.
I am extremely tired.
Sunt extrem de obosită.
I feel tired.
Mă simt obosit.
I felt tired last night.
M-am simţit obosită aseară.
Tom said he was extremely tired.
Tom a spus că era extrem de obosit.
Tom said he was very tired.
Tom a spus că era foarte obosit.
Tom said he was tired.
Tom a spus că era obosit.
I'm getting tired.
I'm tired of this.
M-am săturat de asta.
I'm not even tired.
Nici nu sunt obosită.
I'm tired of Boston.
M-am săturat de Boston.
I'm tired of losing.
M-am săturat să pierd.
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