The police will look into the theft.
Poliţia va analiza furtul.
The theft must have been an inside job.
Furtul trebuie să fi fost o treabă din interior.
Copying is not theft.
Copierea nu este furt.
Tom was arrested for theft.
Tom a fost arestat pentru furt.
How do I report a theft?
Cum raportez un furt?
I would like to report a theft.
Aş vrea să raportez un furt.
He was accused of theft.
A fost acuzat de furt.
The police brought a charge of theft against him.
Poliţia a adus o acuzaţie de furt împotriva lui.
The police arrested him for theft.
Poliţia l-a arestat pentru furt.
This man was charged with theft.
Acest bărbat a fost acuzat de furt.
Copying is not theft.
Copierea nu este furt.
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