We don't have enough money for a taxi.
Nu avem destui bani pentru un taxi.
Our people don't take a taxi to the bakery.
Oamenii noştri nu iau un taxi până la brutărie.
I'll go by taxi.
Voi merge cu taxiul.
Tom became a taxi driver.
Tom a devenit șofer de taxi.
I need a taxi!
Am nevoie de un taxi!
There was no taxi, so I had to walk home.
Nu era taxi, aşa că a trebuit să merg pe jos până acasă.
We took a taxi so we wouldn't be late.
Am luat un taxi ca să nu întârziem.
He raised his arm intending to stop a taxi.
A ridicat braţul intenţionând să oprească un taxi.
I came by taxi from the station.
Am venit cu taxiul din staţie.
Tom called Mary a taxi.
Tom a numit-o pe Mary taxi.
Tom had to catch a taxi.
Tom a trebuit să ia un taxi.
Please call a taxi for this lady.
Vă rog să chemaţi un taxi pentru această doamnă.
You are right. I will go by taxi.
Ai dreptate. Voi merge cu taxiul.
She got out of the taxi at the department store.
Ea a coborât din taxi la magazinul universal.
Can you call me a taxi?
Îmi poţi chema un taxi?
Can you call a taxi for me?
Poţi chema un taxi pentru mine?
At what time will the taxi go to the airport?
La ce oră va merge taxiul la aeroport?
I'm a good taxi driver.
Sunt un bun taximetrist.
He called a taxi for me.
A chemat un taxi pentru mine.
He called me a taxi.
Mi-a chemat un taxi.
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