Meaning & Definition of word "Suppression"






    • 1. The act of putting an end to an activity or preventing an expression.
      • Example: The government's suppression of dissenting voices raised concerns about freedom of speech.
    • 2. The state of being suppressed; a holding back or restraining.
      • Example: There was a noticeable suppression of emotions in the aftermath of the tragedy.
    • 3. The act of inhibiting or restraining a process or an action.
      • Example: The suppression of inflation is a key goal for the central bank.
    • 4. Refusal to allow the publication or dissemination of information.
      • Example: The suppression of evidence in the trial led to public outrage.
    • 5. The act of excluding certain thoughts or feelings from consciousness.
      • Example: His suppression of grief affected his mental well-being significantly.


    From Latin 'suppressio', from 'suppressus', which means 'to press down' or 'to keep down'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    suppression of dissent:

    The act of limiting or controlling opposition or disagreement.

    emotional suppression:

    The act of consciously or unconsciously preventing feelings from being expressed.

    suppression of evidence:

    The unlawful act of preventing evidence from being presented in a court of law.

    Related Words


    To hold back thoughts, feelings, or actions.


    To restrain or stop an action or feeling.


    A person or entity that suppresses or restrains.

    Slang Meanings of suppression

    Meaning: To hold back emotions, often in a harsh or unhealthy way.

    Example Sentence: He’s really into suppression these days, never letting anything show.

    Meaning: To get rid of something undesirable or inconvenient.

    Example Sentence: She just suppresses her problems instead of facing them.