

Meaning & Definition

to perceive with the eyes; to perceive visually.
I see the mountains in the distance.
to understand or comprehend.
I see what you mean about the project.
to meet with someone.
I will see you at the coffee shop tomorrow.
to visit or go to a place.
We went to see a movie last night.
to inspect or examine something.
Let's see how the new software works.


Old English 'seon', from Proto-Germanic 'sēwōną', meaning 'to see, perceive'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

see eye to eye:
to agree with someone
I can't see it:
to not understand or comprehend something
see the light:
to understand or realize something after a period of confusion
let's see:
a phrase used to express consideration or contemplation

Related Words

Slang Meanings

to understand or grasp a concept
Do you see what I'm saying?
to meet someone casually
I’m gonna see him later for coffee.