Nobody said this would be easy.
Nimeni nu a spus că asta va fi ușor.
I got quite a scare when they said you were in the hospital.
M-am speriat destul când au spus că ești în spital.
Damn it, Tom. I said no!
La naiba, Tom. Am spus nu!
She said she was in two minds as to whether to go or not.
Ea a spus că are două minți dacă să meargă sau nu.
Do you remember when Tom said that?
Îți amintești când Tom a spus asta?
I know the reason you said that.
Ştiu motivul pentru care ai spus asta.
Tom repeated what he had just said.
Tom a repetat ceea ce tocmai spusese.
Tom said the soup was too hot.
Tom a spus că supa era prea fierbinte.
Tom said that you'd be here today.
Tom a spus că vei fi aici astăzi.
Tom said that he would come back.
Tom a spus că se va întoarce.
Tom said that he wasn't hungry.
Tom a spus că nu îi era foame.
Tom said that he wasn't angry.
Tom a spus că nu era supărat.
Tom said that he was thirsty.
Tom a spus că îi era sete.
Tom said that he was angry.
Tom a spus că era supărat.
Tom said that he wanted to forget about what happened.
Tom a spus că a vrut să uite de ceea ce s-a întâmplat.
Tom said that he couldn't swim well.
Tom a spus că nu știe să înoate bine.
Tom said that he could swim well.
Tom a spus că poate înota bine.
Tom said something in French and then left the room.
Tom a spus ceva în franceză și apoi a părăsit camera.
Tom said more than he had intended.
Tom a spus mai mult decât și-a propus.
Tom said Mary threatened him with a knife.
Tom a spus că Mary l-a amenințat cu un cuțit.
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