

Meaning & Definition

A statement about what will happen in the future.
The weather forecast made a prediction of rain for the weekend.
The act of declaring or indicating in advance.
His prediction about the stock market was remarkably accurate.
A logical inference or estimation based on evidence or experience.
Based on past performance, her prediction about the team's success was well-founded.
A belief or assumption regarding future events.
The scientist's prediction about climate change sparked a nationwide debate.


Late Middle English: from Latin praedictio(n-), from praedicere 'foretell'

Common Phrases and Expressions

make a prediction:
to state what one thinks will happen in the future.
predictions come true:
when the forecast made is accurate and happens as stated.
predictably unpredicted:
an ironic expression for an event that was expected to occur unexpectedly.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A hit or miss guess.
That was just a wild prediction, totally off base!
A confident assertion about something that might happen.
He made a bold prediction that the team would win the championship.