The granddaughter of German painter Otto Dix accused Germany of never really having addressed the issue of works of art seized by the Nazis.
Nepoata pictorului german Otto Dix a acuzat Germania că nu a abordat niciodată cu adevărat problema operelor de artă confiscate de naziști.
Tom is a famous portrait painter.
Tom este un portretist celebru.
Tom is a well-known painter.
Tom este un pictor cunoscut.
She became a famous painter.
A devenit o pictoră celebră.
She sat for a famous painter.
A stat pentru un pictor celebru.
He was born to be a painter.
S-a născut pentru a fi pictor.
He is a painter.
E pictor.
He claims that he is a painter.
Susţine că e pictor.
We had known the painter before he became famous.
Îl cunoscusem pe pictor înainte de a deveni celebru.
The painter died young.
Pictorul a murit tânăr.
Tom is a well-known painter.
Tom este un pictor cunoscut.
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