If you are lucky enough to look under 100, please don't be offended if we ask you for ID.
Dacă ai norocul să arăţi sub 100 de ani, te rog să nu te jigneşti dacă îţi cerem legitimaţie.
I hope I haven't offended you.
Sper că nu te-am jignit.
Don't be offended.
Nu te jigni.
I wasn't offended.
N-am fost jignit.
I hope Tom wasn't offended.
Sper că Tom nu a fost jignit.
I'm not offended.
Nu sunt jignit.
I was offended.
Am fost jignit.
I hope I haven't offended anyone.
Sper că n-am jignit pe nimeni.
I don't know how I've offended you.
Nu știu cum te-am jignit.
Tom offended Mary.
Tom a jignit-o pe Mary.
His words offended me.
Cuvintele lui m-au jignit.
His way of speaking offended me.
Felul lui de a vorbi m-a jignit.
If you are lucky enough to look under 25, please don't be offended if we ask you for ID.
Dacă ai norocul să cauți sub 25 de ani, te rog să nu te jignești dacă îți cerem actul de identitate.
I wasn't offended.
N-am fost jignit.
I wasn't offended.
N-am fost jignit.
I'm not offended.
Nu sunt jignit.
I was offended.
Am fost jignit.
I was offended.
Am fost jignit.
I was offended.
Am fost jignit.
I was offended.
Am fost jignit.
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