Have I done something to offend you?
Am făcut ceva să te jignesc?
Why did God offend us like this? What sin is upon us?
De ce ne-a jignit Dumnezeu în felul acesta? Ce păcat este asupra noastră?
Everyone can offend a boxer, but not everyone has time to apologize.
Toată lumea poate jigni un boxer, dar nu toată lumea are timp să-și ceară scuze.
Does it offend you?
Te jignește?
Anyone can offend an artist's sensibilities, but no one seems to wish to support artists financially.
Oricine poate jigni sensibilitățile unui artist, dar nimeni nu pare să dorească să sprijine financiar artiștii.
Our talk about the sexuality of flies could offend some people.
Discuția noastră despre sexualitatea muștelor ar putea jigni unii oameni.
Does it offend you?
Te jignește?
Does it offend you?
Te jignește?
Does it offend you?
Te jignește?
Does it offend you?
Te jignește?
Does it offend you?
Te jignește?
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