Meaning & Definition
A number or quantity that can be divided by a given number without a remainder.
Twenty is a multiple of five.
Any of several things or persons; a group or series.
The bookstore had multiple copies of the bestselling novel.
Having or involving several parts, elements, or members.
The project had multiple objectives that needed to be accomplished.
Figuring or characterized by a number of times, often referring to a quantity being greater than one.
She received multiple offers for the job after her interview.
Relating to or consisting of many individual parts.
The company offers multiple services to meet the needs of its clients.
Late Middle English: from Latin multiplicabilis, from multiplicare 'to multiply', from multus 'many' + -plicare 'to fold'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
A type of question or test that offers several answers from which the respondent must choose.
multiple personalities:
A psychological condition where a person exhibits two or more distinct identities or personality states.
multiple times:
Repeatedly; on various occasions.
multiple sources:
Referring to information obtained from various origins or references.
Slang Meanings
Multitudes of something, often used in casual conversation.
There were multiples of them at the party last night!
Used to emphasize the variety or number of something.
We have multiples of flavors to choose from at the ice cream shop.