Meaning & Definition of word "Liege"






    • 1. A vassal or subject of a lord or king; one who owes allegiance and service to a higher authority.
      • Example: The liege of the king was expected to provide military service when called upon.
    • 2. A feudal lord or sovereign.
      • Example: The duke was considered a liege to his vassals, offering protection in exchange for loyalty.


    • 1. Concerned with or relating to the relationship between a lord and vassal.
      • Example: The liege obligations were outlined in the feudal contract.
    • 2. Faithful and loyal; having a sense of duty to a lord.
      • Example: He remained a liege supporter of the crown, despite the turbulent times.


    Middle English, from Old French 'lige', from Latin 'ligius', meaning 'free' or 'contingent' in the sense of service.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    liege lord:

    A lord to whom a vassal owes allegiance.

    liege subject:

    A subject who owes loyalty to a liege lord.

    Related Words


    A person in the feudal system who has pledged allegiance to a lord.


    A person who has authority over others, especially in a feudal or noble context.

    Slang Meanings of liege