Everybody was looking at her when she burst into laughter.
Toată lumea se uita la ea când a izbucnit în râs.
"I thought you'd give this laughter its due!" "This is crud! They're laughing at me!" "You don't say?"
"„M-am gândit că vei da râsul ăsta cuvenit!“!" "„Este crud! Ei râd de mine!“!" "- Nu spui?"
The room filled with laughter.
Camera plină de râs.
Man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter.
Omul se distinge de toate celelalte creaturi prin facultatea de a râde.
He was so funny at the party that I simply couldn't restrain my laughter.
A fost atât de amuzant la petrecere, încât pur şi simplu nu mi-am putut reţine râsul.
She burst into laughter.
Ea a izbucnit în râs.
They held their sides with laughter at his joke.
Și-au ținut partea râzând de gluma lui.
They were all in convulsions of laughter.
Toţi erau în convulsii de râs.
He burst into laughter.
A izbucnit în râs.
John burst into laughter when he was watching TV.
John a izbucnit în râs când se uita la televizor.
The boy was not abased by the laughter of his classmates.
Băiatul nu a fost înjosit de râsetele colegilor de clasă.
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