

Meaning & Definition

A place where two or more things meet or converge.
The highway junction was busy with cars merging from different directions.
A point in a transportation system where paths meet, especially in railways or road systems.
The train stopped at the junction to allow passengers to switch lines.
A connection or link between different entities.
The junction between the two rivers was known for its scenic beauty.


Middle English, from Latin 'junctio', meaning 'a joining'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

road junction:
A point where two or more roads meet.
junction box:
An electrical box containing connections for circuits.
railway junction:
A place where two or more railway lines meet.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Junction as a meeting spot.
Let's meet at the junction by the old gas station.
Junction used in reference to a traffic hotspot.
That junction is always a mess during rush hour.