This television is very heavy.
Televiziunea asta e foarte grea.
The cargo was too heavy. The driver couldn't take it.
Marfa era prea grea. Șoferul nu a putut să o ia.
The donkeys were carrying heavy packs.
Măgarii cărau haite grele.
We need about five men to lift these heavy cases.
Avem nevoie de vreo cinci bărbaţi care să ridice aceste cazuri grele.
It's too heavy to lift.
E prea greu pentru a fi ridicat.
Tom is a heavy drinker.
Tom este un băutor intens.
Is that too heavy for you?
Este prea greu pentru tine?
This book is heavy reading.
Cartea asta e lectură grea.
In the morning, there was a heavy rain.
Dimineața, a fost o ploaie abundentă.
Tom was tired and fell into a heavy sleep.
Tom era obosit și a căzut într-un somn greu.
"Has he broken up with you?" "Yes, and now my heart is heavy as lead".
"- S-a despărțit de tine?" "„Da, iar acum inima mea este grea ca plumbul“".
The ground was covered with a heavy blanket of snow.
Pământul era acoperit cu o pătură grea de zăpadă.
These are heavy.
Acestea sunt grele.
Because of the heavy fog, we could barely see the road in front of us.
Din cauza ceţii puternice, abia vedeam drumul din faţa noastră.
Because of the heavy fog, not a single person could be seen.
Din cauza ceții abundente, nu a putut fi văzută nicio persoană.
Tom is a heavy drinker.
Tom este un băutor intens.
The match has been canceled due to heavy rain.
Meciul a fost anulat din cauza ploii abundente.
This book is very heavy.
Cartea asta e foarte grea.
The train was delayed for two hours because of the heavy snow.
Trenul a întârziat două ore din cauza zăpezii abundente.
Tom has a heavy German accent.
Tom are un accent puternic german.
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