The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
Rapoartele despre moartea mea sunt mult exagerate.
Sean really greatly resembles Conner!
Sean seamănă foarte mult cu Conner!
Because Lee was injured, the strength of the Stars has greatly diminished.
Deoarece Lee a fost rănit, puterea Stelelor s-a diminuat foarte mult.
Social customs vary greatly from country to country.
Obiceiurile sociale variază foarte mult de la o țară la alta.
I was greatly moved by her kindness.
Am fost foarte mișcat de bunătatea ei.
He was greatly respected; while his son was as much despised.
Era foarte respectat; în timp ce fiul său era la fel de dispreţuit.
I was greatly impressed by the speech.
Am fost foarte impresionat de discurs.
My tastes differ greatly from yours.
Gusturile mele diferă mult de ale tale.
Recently the number of cars has greatly increased.
Recent numărul de mașini a crescut foarte mult.
I would greatly appreciate it if we could change our appointment to 100:100 pm on March 100.
Aș aprecia foarte mult dacă ne-am putea schimba programarea la 22:100 pe 100 martie.
The Apollo program greatly advanced our knowledge of space.
Programul Apollo a avansat foarte mult cunoștințele noastre despre spațiu.
I greatly appreciate your advice.
Apreciez foarte mult sfatul tău.
It has greatly improved compared with what it was.
S-a îmbunătățit mult în comparație cu ceea ce a fost.
The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.
Numărul turiștilor a crescut foarte mult în ultimii ani.
I was greatly impressed by the speech.
Am fost foarte impresionat de discurs.
I would greatly appreciate it if we could change our appointment to 3:00 pm on March 6.
Aș aprecia foarte mult dacă ne-am putea schimba programarea la 15:00 pe 6 martie.
The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.
Numărul turiștilor a crescut foarte mult în ultimii ani.
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