Were there any customers while I was gone?
Au fost clienţi cât am fost plecat?
This clothing of mine has gone out of fashion.
Îmbrăcămintea asta a mea s-a demodat.
By the time I came, he'd gone away.
Când am venit, el plecase.
It seems something's gone wrong.
Se pare că ceva a mers prost.
He hasn't gone anywhere - he's at home.
N-a plecat nicăieri - e acasă.
Is your headache gone?
Durerea ta de cap a dispărut?
She has already gone to school.
Ea a mers deja la școală.
She had gone to school.
Ea se dusese la școală.
The sugar is all gone.
Zahărul a dispărut.
Prices have gone up a lot in the last year.
Prețurile au crescut foarte mult în ultimul an.
The fire in the stove has gone out already.
Focul din sobă s-a stins deja.
He has gone to Spain.
A plecat în Spania.
Ten years have gone by since her death.
Au trecut zece ani de la moartea ei.
They've gone to buy a baseball.
S-au dus să cumpere o minge de baseball.
I can't believe that Tom is gone.
Nu-mi vine să cred că Tom a plecat.
I shouldn't have gone home late at night by myself.
N-ar fi trebuit să plec acasă noaptea târziu de una singură.
Tom has gone upstairs.
Tom a urcat sus.
Tom has gone underground.
Tom a intrat în subteran.
Tom has already gone.
Tom a plecat deja.
The coffee is all gone.
Cafeaua a dispărut.
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