She smiled in response to his affectionate glance.
Ea a zâmbit ca răspuns la privirea lui afectuoasă.
I fell in love at the first glance.
M-am îndrăgostit la prima vedere.
Possibly because he's got a beard, he looks scary at first glance but he's really a kind man.
Posibil pentru că are barbă, pare înfricoșător la prima vedere, dar este într-adevăr un bărbat amabil.
She shot a glance at her mother.
A aruncat o privire asupra mamei ei.
She threw a suspicious glance at him.
Ea aruncă o privire suspectă asupra lui.
She did not so much as cast glance at me.
Ea nu a aruncat nici măcar o privire la mine.
She took a casual glance at the book.
Ea aruncă o privire ocazională asupra cărții.
I could tell at a glance that something was wrong.
Mi-am dat seama dintr-o privire că ceva nu era în regulă.
I recognized her at first glance.
Am recunoscut-o la prima vedere.
At a glance, he knew that the child was hungry.
Dintr-o privire, ştia că copilului îi era foame.
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