

Meaning & Definition

A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.
She received a beautiful gift from her friend on her birthday.
A natural ability or talent.
He has a gift for music that truly sets him apart.
A formal offering or donation.
The foundation made a generous gift to support local charities.
To present someone with a gift.
They decided to gift their parents with a weekend getaway.


Old Norse 'git', related to the act of giving.

Common Phrases and Expressions

gift of gab:
The ability to speak eloquently or persuasively.
gift horse:
A gift that should not be criticized.
to give the gift of:
To provide something beneficial to someone.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Gifted person, especially in performance or arts.
He's such a gift; he can play guitar like a pro.
A term used in gaming referring to a player who excels significantly.
That player is a total gift in this game.