I've got a feeling Tom doesn't really know how to speak French.
Am sentimentul că Tom nu știe cu adevărat să vorbească franceza.
That feeling is called love.
Acel sentiment se numește iubire.
Are you feeling tired?
Te simți obosit?
I have a feeling today is going to be interesting.
Am sentimentul că astăzi va fi interesant.
I'm feeling better now, but I sure felt bad this morning.
Mă simt mai bine acum, dar sigur m-am simţit prost azi dimineaţă.
What's your feeling about the idea?
Care este sentimentul tău despre idee?
I have a feeling that something important is going to happen.
Am sentimentul că ceva important se va întâmpla.
I've got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night.
Am sentimentul că seara asta va fi o noapte bună.
I was feeling happy.
Mă simțeam fericit.
I was feeling nostalgic.
Mă simțeam nostalgic.
Were you feeling resistance?
Simţeai rezistenţă?
I've got a feeling that nobody cares about their accent as much as the Russians.
Am sentimentul că nimănui nu-i pasă de accentul lor la fel de mult ca rușilor.
I know how you must be feeling.
Știu cum trebuie să te simți.
I have a feeling Tom is lying.
Am sentimentul că Tom minte.
How are the silver foxes feeling?
Cum se simt vulpile argintii?
Tom is feeling better.
Tom se simte mai bine.
I'm feeling great.
Mă simt grozav.
I'm feeling fine.
Mă simt bine.
I'm feeling down.
Mă simt dezamăgit.
I'm feeling cold.
Mi-e frig.
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