Tom was like a member of our family.
Tom era ca un membru al familiei noastre.
The museum took down the picture of the royal family.
Muzeul a dat jos poza familiei regale.
You're a disgrace to this family!
Ești o rușine pentru această familie!
This house remained in their family for years.
Această casă a rămas în familia lor ani de zile.
Tom is like one of the family.
Tom este ca unul din familie.
Tom is the only breadwinner in the family.
Tom este singurul susținător al familiei.
Give my best regards to your family.
Salută-mi familia.
My whole family perished in the fire.
Toată familia mea a pierit în foc.
In a loud voice, he read the text out of the family Bible.
Cu voce tare, a citit textul din Biblia familiei.
I enjoy looking at old family pictures.
Îmi place să mă uit la poze vechi de familie.
It's been a long time since I've seen my family.
A trecut mult timp de când nu mi-am văzut familia.
It's a family secret.
E un secret de familie.
I don't want to talk about my family.
Nu vreau să vorbesc despre familia mea.
Tom devoted himself to his family.
Tom s-a dedicat familiei sale.
This necklace is a family heirloom.
Acest colier este o moștenire de familie.
My family loved Tom.
Familia mea l-a iubit pe Tom.
I need to see my family.
Trebuie să-mi văd familia.
I miss my family.
Mi-e dor de familia mea.
I know you miss your family.
Ştiu că ţi-e dor de familia ta.
I have family in Boston.
Am familie în Boston.
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