Meaning & Definition of word "Extinguished"






    • 1. To put out a fire or light; to cause to cease to burn.
      • Example: The firefighters extinguished the flames before they spread to nearby buildings.
    • 2. To bring to an end; to eliminate.
      • Example: Their efforts extinguished any hope of a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
    • 3. To cause to die out or become nonexistent.
      • Example: The species was nearly extinguished due to habitat destruction.


    Latin 'extinguere', meaning 'to quench, extinguish'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    extinguished ambition:

    A desire or goal that has been abandoned or defeated.

    extinguished hope:

    Loss of hope or the end of optimism regarding a situation.

    extinguish the flames:

    To put out fire, often used metaphorically.

    Related Words


    To put an end to something; to quench.


    The state of a species that no longer exists.


    A device for putting out fires, usually with a chemical or water.

    Slang Meanings of extinguished

    Meaning: To die out or fizzle.

    Example Sentence: That party really extinguished after midnight.

    Meaning: To be defeated or shut down.

    Example Sentence: His chances of winning were extinguished when he missed the deadline.