Meaning & Definition of word "Euphemism"






    • 1. A mild or indirect word or expression used in place of one that may be considered harsh or blunt.
      • Example: Using 'passed away' as a euphemism for 'died' is common in many cultures.
    • 2. An expression used to soften the impact of what is being communicated.
      • Example: The term 'downsizing' is a euphemism for layoffs in the corporate world.
    • 3. A figure of speech that replaces a more direct phrase with a less offensive one.
      • Example: He referred to his unemployment as being 'between jobs,' a euphemism for his current situation.
    • 4. A way of saying something that makes it seem more agreeable or acceptable.
      • Example: The politician used a euphemism for 'tax increase' by calling it a 'revenue adjustment.'


    Derived from the Greek word 'euphēmismos', from 'euphēmizein', meaning 'to use words of good omen'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    under the weather:

    feeling ill or unwell

    let go:

    to dismiss someone from a job

    in a family way:


    Related Words


    A derogatory or unpleasant term used instead of a pleasant or neutral one.


    A form of understatement that uses negation to express a positive trait.

    Slang Meanings of euphemism

    Meaning: A way to sugarcoat reality.

    Example Sentence: Calling someone 'between jobs' instead of 'unemployed' is a euphemism.

    Meaning: A nice way to say something bad.

    Example Sentence: Using 'unexpectedly terminated' in place of 'fired' is a euphemism.