The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced.
Scopul nu poate justifica mijloacele, din motivul simplu și evident că mijloacele folosite determină natura scopurilor produse.
An effective writer is one who knows what sort of words should be employed in any specific context.
Un scriitor eficient este cel care știe ce fel de cuvinte ar trebui folosite în orice context specific.
As he was an honest man, I employed him.
Cum era un om cinstit, l-am angajat.
He employed a new maid.
A angajat o nouă servitoare.
He had not been employed two months before he was fired.
Nu fusese angajat cu două luni înainte de a fi concediat.
The farmer employed five new workers.
Fermierul a angajat cinci muncitori noi.
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