We can't repair the damage done by Tom's speech.
Nu putem repara daunele făcute de discursul lui Tom.
How much damage was done?
Câte pagube s-au făcut?
The company suffered much damage.
Compania a suferit multe pagube.
How much damage has been done?
Câte pagube s-au făcut?
The typhoon did a lot of damage to the crops.
Taifunul a făcut multe pagube culturilor.
Microwaves can cause serious damage.
Microundele pot provoca daune grave.
No matter where you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake.
Indiferent unde te uiți, poți vedea pagubele cauzate de cutremur.
Everywhere you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake.
Oriunde te uiți poți vedea pagubele cauzate de cutremur.
The plants suffered damage from the frost.
Plantele au suferit daune din cauza înghețului.
There was damage to the pipe.
S-au produs avarii la conductă.
The damage was held to a minimum.
Prejudiciul a fost menținut la minimum.
The prolonged drought did severe damage to crops.
Seceta prelungită a provocat daune grave culturilor.
The typhoon caused damage in many areas.
Taifunul a provocat pagube în multe zone.
The extent of the damage is inestimable.
Amploarea prejudiciului este inestimabilă.
We estimated the damage at 100 dollars.
Am estimat pagubele la 100 de dolari.
It will damage the crops.
Va deteriora culturile.
The flood did great damage to the crops.
Inundația a făcut pagube mari culturilor.
I will make up for the damage I did to your car.
Voi compensa daunele pe care le-am făcut maşinii tale.
The flood did a lot of damage to the village.
Inundația a făcut multe pagube satului.
The damage was covered by insurance.
Prejudiciul a fost acoperit de asigurare.
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