Tom was eliminated in the second round of the contest.
Tom a fost eliminat în turul doi al concursului.
The contest was postponed on account of rain.
Concursul a fost amânat din cauza ploii.
They're having a diving contest this afternoon.
Au un concurs de scufundări în după-amiaza asta.
She won the beauty contest.
Ea a câștigat concursul de frumusețe.
Daddy, let's have a staring contest.
Tati, hai să facem un concurs de holbat.
She intends to participate in a beauty contest.
Intenţionează să participe la un concurs de frumuseţe.
He would like to take part in the contest.
Ar dori să ia parte la concurs.
The presidential election is not a beauty contest.
Alegerile prezidențiale nu sunt un concurs de frumusețe.
Many students took part in the contest.
La concurs au participat mulți studenți.
He was disqualified from taking part in the contest.
A fost descalificat de la participarea la concurs.
He wants to participate in the contest.
Vrea să participe la concurs.
Are you going to take part in the contest?
Urmează să iei parte la concurs?
Emily won first prize in the speech contest.
Emily a câștigat premiul I la concursul de discurs.
The speech contest was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.
Concursul de discursuri s-a desfășurat sub egida Ministerului Educației.
We will have a music contest soon.
Vom avea un concurs de muzică în curând.
Many students took part in the contest.
La concurs au participat mulți studenți.
Many students took part in the contest.
La concurs au participat mulți studenți.
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