Tom called a cab for Mary.
Tom a chemat un taxi pentru Mary.
Tom had no money to pay for a cab.
Tom nu avea bani să plătească pentru un taxi.
I caught a cab from the station to the hotel.
Am prins un taxi de la gară la hotel.
She went by cab to the museum.
Ea a mers cu taxiul la muzeu.
He called a cab for me.
A chemat un taxi pentru mine.
In Japan you can always catch a cab, day or night.
În Japonia puteți lua întotdeauna un taxi, zi sau noapte.
He called me a cab.
Mi-a chemat un taxi.
I took a cab to the station.
Am luat un taxi până la gară.
Jim called me a cab.
Jim mi-a chemat un taxi.
I left my umbrella in the cab.
Mi-am lăsat umbrela în cabină.
Would you like me to get you a cab?
Ai vrea să-ţi iau un taxi?
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