Tom has broad shoulders.
Tom are umerii largi.
An innocent passer-by was shot dead in broad daylight.
Un trecător nevinovat a fost împuşcat mortal în plină zi.
You have broad shoulders.
Ai umerii largi.
Mary has broad shoulders.
Mary are umerii largi.
He's got a broad Scouse accent.
Are un accent larg Scouse.
He had his car stolen in broad daylight.
I s-a furat maşina în plină zi.
He has broad shoulders.
Are umerii largi.
There is a broad street near my house.
E o stradă largă lângă casa mea.
Jim has broad shoulders.
Jim are umerii largi.
The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylight.
Spărgătorul a pătruns în oficiul poștal în plină zi.
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