He could always tell which direction the wind was blowing.
Întotdeauna putea spune în ce direcție bate vântul.
A cold wind was blowing.
Sufla un vânt rece.
The wind is blowing from the north.
Vântul bate dinspre nord.
The wind is blowing from the east.
Vântul bate dinspre est.
The wind is blowing from the west.
Vântul bate dinspre vest.
Dust was blowing in the wind.
Praful bătea în vânt.
The wind is blowing east.
Vântul bate spre est.
The wind is blowing.
Vântul bate.
The wind is blowing hard.
Vântul bate tare.
The wind is blowing hard now.
Vântul bate tare acum.
The children are blowing bubbles.
Copiii suflă bule.
A strong wind is blowing and I can't walk fast.
Bate un vânt puternic şi nu pot merge repede.
A strong wind was blowing.
Sufla un vânt puternic.
The wind is blowing from the west.
Vântul bate dinspre vest.
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