"Sometimes it seems, Tom, that we're the only adequate people over here." "You're right, Mary. However sad it is, but we're surrounded by idiots only, and their ring is inexorably tightening."
"„Uneori se pare, Tom, că suntem singurii oameni adecvați de aici“." "„Ai dreptate, Mary. Oricât de trist ar fi, dar suntem înconjurați doar de idioți, iar inelul lor se strânge inexorabil.“."
When Rafael was studying medicine, he painfully saw how people afflicted by heart diseases died due to lack of adequate medical equipment.
Când Rafael studia medicina, a văzut dureros cum oamenii afectați de boli de inimă au murit din cauza lipsei de echipament medical adecvat.
It was adequate.
A fost adecvat.
An income adequate for one's needs.
Un venit adecvat nevoilor cuiva.
She isn't adequate to the task.
Ea nu este adecvată sarcinii.
The project to build a new sports center has fallen through for lack of adequate funds.
Proiectul de construire a unui nou centru sportiv a eșuat din lipsă de fonduri adecvate.
He is adequate for the post.
El este adecvat pentru post.
The national health service was far from adequate.
Serviciul național de sănătate a fost departe de a fi adecvat.
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