I got acquainted with a woman in the bus.
Am făcut cunoștință cu o femeie în autobuz.
She acquainted him with the meetings schedule for today, but I don't think he remembered anything at all.
Ea l-a familiarizat cu programul întâlnirilor de astăzi, dar nu cred că și-a amintit absolut nimic.
She acquainted us with the new regulation.
Ea ne-a familiarizat cu noul regulament.
I know her, but I'm not acquainted with the rest of the family.
O cunosc, dar nu cunosc restul familiei.
I couldn't invite him. We're not well acquainted.
Nu l-am putut invita. Nu suntem bine cunoscuți.
I became acquainted with your father yesterday.
Am făcut cunoştinţă ieri cu tatăl tău.
I got acquainted with him three years ago.
M-am familiarizat cu el acum trei ani.
I have got acquainted with them.
M-am familiarizat cu ei.
I'm not acquainted with her.
Nu o cunosc.
He acquainted her with his plan.
A cunoscut-o cu planul lui.
He acquainted himself with his job.
S-a familiarizat cu meseria lui.
I am not acquainted with him.
Nu sunt familiarizat cu el.
I got acquainted with him in France.
L-am cunoscut în Franța.
I got acquainted with him last year.
L-am cunoscut anul trecut.
I got acquainted with her in France.
Am făcut cunoștință cu ea în Franța.
I am well acquainted with the subject.
Cunosc bine subiectul.
I am acquainted with the author.
Sunt familiarizat cu autorul.
I got acquainted with the chief executive.
Am făcut cunoştinţă cu directorul executiv.
I am acquainted with the custom.
Sunt familiarizat cu obiceiul.
I am acquainted with the chairman of that club.
Îl cunosc pe președintele acelui club.
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