Tom was killed in a hunting accident.
Tom a murit într-un accident de vânătoare.
She was blinded by the glare of headlights and could not avoid the accident.
A fost orbită de strălucirea farurilor și nu a putut evita accidentul.
She ran the risk of having an accident.
Ea a riscat să aibă un accident.
As a result of the car accident, the driver was severely injured, and the passanger died.
În urma accidentului de mașină, șoferul a fost grav rănit, iar pasagerul a murit.
We haven't yet learned the particulars of the accident.
Încă nu am aflat detaliile accidentului.
I met him by accident.
L-am întâlnit din întâmplare.
We nearly had an accident when the car brakes jammed.
Aproape că am avut un accident când frânele mașinii s-au blocat.
That was no accident. Someone set the house on fire.
Asta nu a fost un accident. Cineva a dat foc casei.
Tom lost his only son in a car accident.
Tom și-a pierdut singurul fiu într-un accident de mașină.
I was in a car accident.
Am fost într-un accident de maşină.
It was an accident, Tom.
A fost un accident, Tom.
Today's paper gives further details of the accident.
Lucrarea de astăzi oferă mai multe detalii despre accident.
Tom was blinded in a railroad accident.
Tom a fost orbit într-un accident de cale ferată.
This happened purely by accident.
Acest lucru s-a întâmplat pur accidental.
An awful accident happened yesterday.
Un accident îngrozitor s-a întâmplat ieri.
If that accident had happened in a city, it would have caused a disaster.
Dacă acel accident s-ar fi petrecut într-un oraş, ar fi provocat un dezastru.
The accident happened at that intersection.
Accidentul s-a petrecut la acea intersecţie.
She was injured in a car accident.
A fost rănită într-un accident de mașină.
How did the traffic accident happen?
Cum s-a produs accidentul de circulatie?
Dick was involved in a traffic accident.
Dick a fost implicat într-un accident de circulaţie.
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