He spoke with an American accent.
Vorbea cu accent american.
Police have advised that the man who stole the bike spoke with a strong accent.
Poliția a informat că bărbatul care a furat bicicleta a vorbit cu un accent puternic.
He spoke slowly, with a strong Texas accent.
Vorbea încet, cu un puternic accent texan.
She affects a foreign accent.
Ea afectează un accent străin.
He speaks English with a Russian accent.
Vorbeşte engleza cu accent rusesc.
Tom lost his foreign accent.
Tom și-a pierdut accentul străin.
Tom speaks English with a French accent.
Tom vorbește engleza cu accent francez.
I've got a feeling that nobody cares about their accent as much as the Russians.
Am sentimentul că nimănui nu-i pasă de accentul lor la fel de mult ca rușilor.
Tom speaks with a French accent.
Tom vorbește cu accent francez.
Were you born in England? You don't seem to have a british accent.
Te-ai născut în Anglia? Se pare că nu ai accent britanic.
Tom has a heavy German accent.
Tom are un accent puternic german.
He's got a broad Scouse accent.
Are un accent larg Scouse.
The other kids at school made fun of him because of his strange accent.
Ceilalți copii de la școală și-au bătut joc de el din cauza accentului său ciudat.
I understood from his accent that he was an American.
Am înţeles din accentul lui că era american.
His accent sounds a little quaint.
Accentul lui sună puţin ciudat.
His accent suggests he is a foreigner.
Accentul lui sugerează că este străin.
He speaks English with a strong German accent.
Vorbeşte engleza cu un puternic accent german.
He speaks English with a German accent.
Vorbeşte engleza cu accent german.
He pretended to be an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him away.
S-a prefăcut englez, dar accentul lui străin l-a dat de gol.
In the word "tomorrow", the accent is on the second syllable.
În cuvântul „mâine“, accentul este pus pe a doua silabă.
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