She's been absent from school for five days.
Ea lipsește de la școală de cinci zile.
She's absent because she's sick.
E absentă pentru că e bolnavă.
Is it true that you were absent yesterday?
E adevărat că ai lipsit ieri?
I can't tell you why she was absent from school.
Nu vă pot spune de ce a lipsit de la şcoală.
Tell me why you were absent from school yesterday.
Spune-mi de ce ai lipsit ieri de la şcoală.
She was absent from school because she was sick.
A lipsit de la școală pentru că era bolnavă.
I was absent from school because I was sick.
Am lipsit de la şcoală pentru că eram bolnav.
Why's Maltese absent from the languages list?
De ce malteza lipsește din lista de limbi?
You should not be absent without notice.
Nu trebuie să lipsești fără preaviz.
She was absent on the ground of illness.
Ea a lipsit pe motiv de boală.
She was absent due to a cold.
A lipsit din cauza unei răceli.
She was absent from school because of sickness.
A lipsit de la școală din cauza unei boli.
She is absent because of sickness.
Ea lipsește din cauza bolii.
The reason he was absent was that he had a severe headache.
Motivul pentru care a lipsit a fost că avea o durere de cap severă.
Do you know why he has been absent from school?
Ştii de ce a lipsit de la şcoală?
Last week five students were absent from class.
Săptămâna trecută cinci elevi au lipsit de la curs.
I am sorry that she is absent from the conference.
Imi pare rau ca lipseste de la conferinta.
Tell me the reason why they are absent.
Spune-mi motivul pentru care lipsesc.
He was absent from school because he was sick.
A lipsit de la şcoală pentru că era bolnav.
He sometimes is absent from work without good cause.
Uneori lipsește de la serviciu fără un motiv întemeiat.
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