

Meaning & Definition

the ability to comprehend or grasp the meaning of something
Her understanding of complex concepts impressed her professor.
a mutual agreement or arrangement between parties
They reached an understanding about how to handle the project.
the knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
His understanding of the historical context enriched the discussion.
to grasp the meaning of; to comprehend
I am trying to understand the implications of this new law.
to be sympathetic to; to empathize with
She understood his feelings during the difficult time.


Middle English: from Old English 'understandan', from 'under' + 'standan' (to stand).

Common Phrases and Expressions

to come to an understanding
To reach an agreement or mutual comprehension.
a lack of understanding
Insufficient comprehension of a topic or situation.
to have an understanding of
To be knowledgeable about something.
mutual understanding
A situation where parties fully accept each other's views or feelings.
to gain understanding
To acquire knowledge or awareness about a subject.

Related Words

To grasp the meaning of something.
To explain the meaning of something.
The capacity to gain an accurate understanding of someone or something.

Slang Meanings

To vibe with someone's thoughts or feelings.
We really understand each other; it's like we have a connection.
Get the gist of something.
I don't know all the details, but I understand the main idea.